Infant: Called Volunteers play one-on-one, sing songs, and nurture the littles
2 and 3-year-Old Class: Teachers adapt our preschool curriculum and introduce children to God’s big plan of salvation in Jesus Christ as they learn key Bible stories
4yr olds and Kindergarten: Teachers use the preschool curriculum and introduce children to God’s big plan of salvation in Jesus Christ as they learn key Bible stories.
1st-2nd Grade: Teachers take a more detailed look at how each Bible story connects to the gospel. Through age-appropriate object lessons, activities, and coloring sheets, teachers can help young elementary school children to see Christ in the Old and New Testaments.
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2 and 3-year-Old Class: Teachers adapt our preschool curriculum and introduce children to God’s big plan of salvation in Jesus Christ as they learn key Bible stories
4yr olds and Kindergarten: Teachers use the preschool curriculum and introduce children to God’s big plan of salvation in Jesus Christ as they learn key Bible stories.
1st-2nd Grade: Teachers take a more detailed look at how each Bible story connects to the gospel. Through age-appropriate object lessons, activities, and coloring sheets, teachers can help young elementary school children to see Christ in the Old and New Testaments.
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