For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
- Ephesians 2:8-10
Atonement Women's Ministries
Women’s Ministries is a vibrant, active part of the life of
Atonement. The Women’s Ministries program offers:
Atonement Women’s Ministries seeks to include all women at the church, providing, fellowship, prayer support, teaching, and discipleship. These goals are supported in large group activities, smaller mentor group meetings, and informal and formal one on one discipling. Newcomers are always welcome, and Women’s Ministries is happy to answer any questions and offer support to women new to the program in an effort to help them more easily navigate all the ministry opportunities.
We hope you will join us as we endeavor to grow closer to the Lord and each other.
For more information please call, Debbie Wasson, at 301-633-3734.
Atonement. The Women’s Ministries program offers:
- Mentor Groups
- Bible Study
- Support
- Devotion, prayer, and fellowship
- Monthly Group Fellowship Activities (shared meals, crafts, outings, outreach, etc.)
- Retreats (including guest speakers)
- Summer Sunday School class for women
Atonement Women’s Ministries seeks to include all women at the church, providing, fellowship, prayer support, teaching, and discipleship. These goals are supported in large group activities, smaller mentor group meetings, and informal and formal one on one discipling. Newcomers are always welcome, and Women’s Ministries is happy to answer any questions and offer support to women new to the program in an effort to help them more easily navigate all the ministry opportunities.
We hope you will join us as we endeavor to grow closer to the Lord and each other.
For more information please call, Debbie Wasson, at 301-633-3734.