A Blue Print for Christian Living
How do I Live My Life for Him?
The Christian life is a journey of faith, obedience, and the comfort of God’s assurances. As believers, we want to focus our lives on Him and please Him in all that we do. Expect to be tested in this. Life comes with distractions, temptations, and grief. We find ourselves bewildered and uncertain at times. So how are we to live for Him?
The Christian life is a journey of faith, obedience, and the comfort of God’s assurances. As believers, we want to focus our lives on Him and please Him in all that we do. Expect to be tested in this. Life comes with distractions, temptations, and grief. We find ourselves bewildered and uncertain at times. So how are we to live for Him?
- Get to know your Heavenly Father by studying the Bible. The Bible is God’s blueprint for living and teaches us about the character of God and His plan for our lives. It even gives us a glimpse of what Heaven will be like.
- Identify with Christ by identifying with His church. Jesus identified himself so completely with the church that it is called “his body.” In the same way we are called to identify with the church as “members” of His body. Participate actively in the life and worship of the local church.
- Understand and prepare yourself for trials. You will be tested and challenged, fall into sin, be forgiven and restored over and over again! The successful Christian life is not a life lived perfectly—a human impossibility—but is a life lived in humble reliance on God’s mercies.
- Do not underestimate the power of sin to create havoc in your life. Repent and ask forgiveness of your sins, all of them, even the “small” sins. Forgiveness restores our relationship with the Father and others in our lives.
- Worship the Lord! He is our King, and deserves to be glorified and praised. Worship both individually and corporately with your church. Be encouraged and strengthened through preaching and the Lord’s Supper.
- Surrender your heartfelt needs and concerns to Him in prayer. Know that He has your best interests at heart, and will answer you. God’s promise to answer your prayers does not mean that He will grant your every desire or remove every obstacle in your path. However, He will equip you with His peace and strength to persevere. He will preserve you as his own.
- Listen to Him, and follow His leading in your life. How can you hear Him? The Lord often provides fresh insights into scripture as people quietly read and ask for insight. He may direct your thinking to the point that it surprises you. He may cause events in your life to redirect you.
- Spend time in fellowship with other believers. You may want to join a group Bible Study or participate in a Sunday Morning Class or a Small Group.
- Loosen your grasp on the things of this world. Your temporary home is here on this earth. Your real home will be in Heaven with the Father.