Revelation Study
Week 9 - July 29, 2020
In this lesson we look at the final two chapters of Revelation, where the new heavens and earth are formed, because the old pass away. This is a biblical theme, and we see other passages that support this. We also note the way that it seems to speak both about heaven and the church (bride of Christ) simultaneously--a confusing mixed metaphor. It seems to be a bit of both. So how literally should we take the imagery of the gold streets and pearly gates? Probably not too far. At the same time, it does look like much is restored to the beauty of Eden, and there is much to look forward to. We then do a quick review of the entire book, comparing and re-evaluating the major styles of interpretation we have been using.
Week 8 - July 22, 2020
This recording covers only Chapter 20, but it spans 1,000 years! Almost the entire teaching is about the millennium outlined in 20:1-6, where I explain the three major interpretations: the premillennial, postmillennial, and amillennial views. And the premillennial view actually has two varieties! Most Christians today seem only familiar with the premillennial (and often Dispensational) interpretation. I also compared what Jesus and Paul teach about Jesus' return and the Judgment, and how it compares to what we find in Revelation.
Week 7 - July 15, 2020
In this class we look at Revelation 17 - 19, which begins with the description of the prostitute/harlot sitting on the scarlet beast, She is Babylon. The chronology seems to have stopped, so 17 and 18 may be a recap of the previous chapters. We discuss who or what Babylon is from the different views and how that can apply to us as 21st century believers. In Chapter 18 God's people are called to flee from Babylon, and that may well include us even now. Is it Rome? An apostate church? Materialism? And then we get into Chapter 19, where Jesus arrives on a white horse. But wait--isn't he supposed to come on the clouds? We compared this chapter to the description of his coming in 2 Thessalonians 1 and 2, and considered what might be literal and symbolic.
Week 6 - July 8, 2020
In this session we look at Revelation 14 - 16, where we see the 144,000 (are they the same as the 144K in Chapter 7?) who are sealed not with the mark of the beast, but with the name of God the Father. This is followed by the final plagues of judgment being poured out on the earth in the form of seven bowls. I called special attention to the parallel/similarity between the bowls and trumpets (the first trumpet/bowl affects the earth, the second affects the sea, etc.). The judgment is severe and the return of the Lord is soon at this point.
Week 5 - July 1, 2020
In this session we cover Revelation 11 through 13, which is right in the middle of the book. And being in the middle, the visions focus on several symbolic characters in redemptive history--and probably disrupt any sense of chronology. We start with the mysterious 2 witnesses who display great power, are then killed by the beast, but are then resurrected and ascend to heaven. In Chapter 12 we interpret the woman in the sky and the dragon who wants to attack her child and then the woman herself. This is an important chapter, as we see how the dragon (Satan) attacks the Lord's people even today. Finally, we examine the well known passage about the beast, the mark, and the number 666--and the various ways that this has been interpreted.
Week 4 - June 24, 2020
In this lesson (I incorrectly say that it is Lesson 5, sorry!), we briefly review once again the three major interpretation methods (preterist, futurist, and idealist), as well as Rev. 6 (the opening of the seals) and the beginning of Rev. 7. We discuss the identity of the 144,000 according to the different interpretations and the meaning of the seal on their foreheads. We look at the great multitude praising God in heaven and talk about who they are and when this takes place, and then go through the six trumpets that are sounded through Rev. 8 and 9. Finally we discuss the mighty angel and the small scroll in Rev. 10 and the secrets of God amid his revelation to us.
Week 3 - June 17, 2020
In this session we review the 4 interpretation methods for Revelation, and briefly recap Chapter 4 before covering Chapters 5 through the beginning of Chapter 7. We discuss the image of Jesus as the Lamb who can open the scroll, the "4 horses of the Apocalypse," the first 6 seals opened, and the seal on the foreheads of the 144,000 in Rev. 7.
Week 2 - June 10, 2020
We cover the first 4 chapters, explaining some of the imagery we see. Why are there precisely 7 churches addressed in Chapters 2 and 3, and why these particular ones? What do all the symbols in the throne room of God in heaven represent in Chapter 4? What is the purpose of this chapter?
Week 1 - June 3, 2020
This is an introduction to the 4 different views of interpreting Revelation. There is the well known futurist view (both Dispensational and non-Dispensational), preterist, historicist, and idealist. See which one makes the most sense to you as we go along.
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Revelation Week 9 |
Revelation Week 8 |
Revelation Week 7 |
Revelation Week 6 |
Revelation Week 5 |
Revelation Week 4 |
Revelation Week 3 |
Revelation Week 2 |
Revelation Week 1 |